Y'shua | יֵשׁוּעַ
... a light for the revelation of the Gentiles.
And a glory to your people Israel.
Isaiah 49:6 CJB| Luke 2:32 AENT
"You fear men and not ME!?"
Lobsters paid for my college education. 50 years later and keeping kosher, I just sit and quietly chuckle. They were long days and long weeks, but I was determined to get my BA degree, bought and paid for with cash with no credit. Nine hours a day, six days a week, spring and summer allowed me to set aside cash so that winter school was all study and no work. What a blessing! I was blessed with great co-workers and the business owner started calling my home in late winter to make sure I would be returning. The manager and I worked down on the river separated from the retail fish market. We sorted in lobsters straight off the boat from the local fishermen and made up the wholesale orders to ship out. It was hard, long, wet, tedious work, but with 54 hours a week the overtime was great! Nonetheless the owner’s offer to drive the “local” delivery route with the GMC van was gladly accepted as a welcome change of pace.
The day that it happened, the van was heavily loaded with a lot of stops. Thursday deliveries were always heavy, stocking the restaurants for Friday “fish day”. An unusual delivery was 200 pounds of live lobsters direct to a fast attack submarine docked at the Submarine base. There was a deadline plus security because I would be driving down to the docks on the lower base. But unfortunately I was running late!
I made the delivery at the airport and turned left onto Thomas Road, heading to the Submarine Base. On the map to the left, Thomas Road is the straight road by the right side. It’s a two mile run, straight as an arrow and generally deserted – my chance to recover some time. The speed is 25 but I took it up to 45. More than half way down the road a child ran out fast from the left side no more than 50 feet ahead of me. There was not enough space to stop. Knowing that a huge load would fly forward, and the truck would roll over, I steered left away from the child and locked up the brakes; my only option to avoid killing this child.
With the sound of ripping, squealing, and tearing of tires, I watched as the distance to the child closed in slow motion. The nose of the van lowered like a plow, as the entire load bounced off the right side of the van. I prepared for the roll, but all of a sudden the van halted cross ways in the middle of the road. With the engine stalled I sat there in the silence. Dreading, I got out and started the search for the child. Nothing! What do I do? Leave the scene? NO! Another expanded search. Nothing. What in the world? Absolutely confused, maybe in shock, I got back in and drove at about ten miles per hour down the rest of Thomas Road. At the end is the bridge over Birch Plain creek. Wide eyed, in shock as the truck crossed the bridge I drove at 10 miles per hour trying to figure out what just happened. As the truck was exiting the bridge a child ran out from the left directly in front of me. I slammed on the brakes and came to an immediate stop as the child, oblivious, ran just ten feet in front of me to join his family on the right side. I just sat and starred into the distance trying to understand two events that had just occurred. Today I know and knew then, the child, unharmed that day, was protected by a supernatural intervention by YAH. Today that child would be about 55.
That summer of 68 I was between by first and what would be my last semester as a Lutheran pre-theological student. When I would try to understand how the Ruach HaKodesh could –today- work in such supernatural ways, (Listen Up) I was made to feel strange, and quoting my Lutheran Pastor “Let’s not talk about this with others.” So to keep Pastors, Professors, Preachers, Teachers, and Rabbis happy, I shut up but quit seminary, and begged YAH to make it all just leave me alone. That’s exactly what happened. For forty years until I came back to faith from atheism (8/6/05 2:00pm) there was silence. But when I came back to faith, it all came back stronger than before! I called a mentor and over the phone poured out my anguish. I want to be a Believer, but just make this go away. When I was done, there was silence but then she burst out laughing, finally saying: “If that is what God is doing with you, who are you to say “Make it go away”.
2011 on my Walk-n-Pray as I prayed about the same things again happening (Said to me in 2011 Quote: “God does not talk to anyone anymore.”), I heard -The-VOICE- plain as Day:
“You fear men more than you fear ME?”
I have told the above testimony to, well, almost no one. Today I say: “I fear NO man! I fear YAH!
Fear Of Man
Bible verses about fear of man
Help us to study The Word and be spiritually prepared!
Having eyes to see and ears to hear!
Praise YAH!
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In all things..bad or good----Praise YAH!
Netzari Jewish, Walking "The Way" of Y’shua (יֵשׁוּעַ)
Isaiah 11; Acts 24:5,14-15; John 14:6
Hear -- Write -- BuildUP