Y'shua | יֵשׁוּעַ
... a light for the revelation of the Gentiles.
And a glory to your people Israel.
Isaiah 49:6 CJB| Luke 2:32 AENT
"Think - Johnny Appleseed"
Even though a soda from the soda machine was only 6 cents, one quarter a week, 25 cents allowance only stayed in my hand less than two days. Mowing lawns was hit or miss, and selling greeting cards with my buddy was lots of work and low return. At age 10, too young for a job. What to do? Then one hot Georgia day, sitting under the front awning that ran the length of our 50 foot trailer, I heard the sound of the passing newspaper delivery truck, but this time it came to a full stop. The driver yelled to me. “Hey kid, you want to sell newspapers?” It was “Buck” in his big faded blue panel truck. Yes, I know, we were taught respect! He should be referred to as “Mr. Buck”, but he was a very kind person who always said: “Call me ‘Buck’.”
Taken aback, I just sat there starring at him. Finally he said “Well, kid do you want to earn some money?” Coming out of my shock, I realized he meant it. He really wanted this ten year old kid to sell his newspapers. I didn’t have to think any further, he said the key words “earn some money”. Without any idea of how it would work I yelled YES! It seemed simple. Here on Fort Gordon, Georgia Buck had it sewed up for home delivery, but he wanted to expand business by selling newspapers to the student soldiers living in the barracks; no “home delivery” there! Buck assigned me a “protected territory” of a block of barracks, which included the Post Exchange (PX) one block from home. We agreed. No paper contract, just a handshake – this ten year old kid and a jovial, kind, rotund, older man.
In the afternoon Buck would drop my 30 papers off and I would pay him for yesterday’s 30 papers, whether they were sold or not sold. Believe me I learned about business very quickly! I hated paying for unsold papers! After dinner I would pack my 30 papers in a backpack and peddle to my territory, selling newspapers, one at a time. Barracks to barracks – one soldier at a time. I learned to kept selling until they were all gone, a mix of papers from Atlanta, Augusta, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. There was a lot to learn, especially the mix of papers, what sold and what did not sell. I was paid 2 cents a paper, that’s 60 cents an evening, but with tips I averaged a “buck” a night. I will always fondly remember Mr. Buck who gave me an opportunity to “earn a buck”. From that beginning, I spent a working career selling, and running a business. Basics: Serve. Do a good job. “Take care of your client, and your client will take care of you.”
In all of my life serving and selling, I never had a set income. “The best paid hard work, and the lowest paid easy work”. The work was always results oriented. Don’t go home until 30 newspapers are sold. Right to the end in 2011, focus on efforts and the results will take care of itself. But always the reward was based on results!
No longer! Not today! As Believers we are to walk as we are led by Scripture and The Ruach HaKodesh. When led by the Ruach HaKodesh we speak, we write. The result belongs to YAH. We are not required to understand, but we ARE required to be obedient. So, as led, we pursue the efforts and leave the results to YAH. That is the hardest lesson I have had to learn. A lifetime in business, from age 10, successes were defined by the results. Refine the efforts; define the result, now measure. So, okay, I admit it, there was a recent phase when I was discouraged and complaining! Two examples:
I have learned to only act or speak when told to do so by the Ruach HaKodesh. In my daily Walk-n-Pray, I pass through the million dollar neighborhoods, and then the streets where the ladies ask me if I would like some company… no thank you! As the man a block away walks toward me, the Ruach says: “He is going to ask you for some money.” Sure enough ten steps away I hear: “Excuse me sir”. As I pull out my wallet, we have a conversation. Are you a Christian? Yes. Did you know “Jesus” as you call him, is a Jew? No. As we are parting company, I hand him my card and invite him to Shabbat and Oneg Shabbat, a great meal. –Never see him again.
Another time I drive in to buy gas and see a tall man standing all the way at the end of the lot, 150 feet. I start backing up and hear: “He is going to ask you for money.” Great! I usually give $5 and all I have on me is a $20. I start pumping gas and he never shows up. As I turn to hang up the gas nozzle, we are face to face. “If you can help?” Putting my hand up I coldly signal NO! With that I drove 30 feet, parked and realized that I had disobeyed the Ruach. After parking I walked the entire lot fruitlessly looking for him. Dejected I walked into the front door of the grocery store and then out of the corner of my eye I see him outside. I went outside to find him sitting down, dejected. There we were two dejected people. I prayed silently to say something positive. He did not ask for money, he asked for work. I had no work for him, but gave him the money. We discussed YAH and faith. I did my best to buoy him up, inviting him to Shabbat where my wife cooks Oneg Shabbat, which is as it is supposed to be, “a sumptuous feast”. To put a cap on our conversation I was led to explain Y’shua’s name to this man who was raised Christian but was no longer interested. He looked up at me with new hope in his eyes as I asked him his name – names in Hebrew mean something. He looked up and said “Joshua”. It took my breath away. Finally I was able to say: “You carry the name of your Messiah! I explained:
1.The book of the genealogy of Y’shua1 the Mashiyach,2 the son of Dawid, the son of Awraham.
Note 1. The name Y’shua is short for Y’hoshua (Joshua) and means יהְַוהֶ (Yahweh) is Salvation. The giving of names in Israel is a prophetic act. His name Y’shua therefore carries great prophetic insight regarding the office and identity of Mashiyach.
Note 2. Hebrew Mashiyach (maw-shee’-akh) (Aramaic Meshikha) means “Anointed One”. This is a Torah specific term that can only be correctly understood in the context of the Tanakh, i.e. the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings. YHWH directs His servants to perform “h’mishchah” (the anointing) with oil, indicating those whom YHWH sanctifies and puts His Ruach haKodesh within. The Anglicized term “Messiah” has gained connotations of “the hero”, whereas Mashiyach ben Yoseph is the Suffering Servant, tender, a man of sorrows and the Savior of all. Matthew 20:28; Phil. 2:7; Isaiah 53:2.
We parted ways and I really did expect to see him on Shabbat, at least for a good meal – nothing.
These two events delineate the details of many, many such encounters. Many were the days in Prayer with tears complaining, repenting, asking “Why”? One morning I was awakened at four AM, and went to prayer. Immediately the same thoughts, but before I could go very far I plain heard The-VOICE-
“Think Johnny Appleseed”
At first it made no sense. What does Johnny Appleseed have to do with anything? That was the Disney show in the sixties about the fable1 regarding the guy who planted apple trees and moved on. At four in the morning, as I prayed and thought about what I remembered the connection was made. In my thinking he planted and never saw the fruit. My job, our job, is to make sure we “study to make ourselves approved”, following the leading of the Ruach HaKodesh. I am required to, as led, “plant seeds”, whatever grows is to the glory of YAH, and not my responsibility. I have had to forget a lifetime of business focusing on results. I am, we are, required to, by the Supernatural power of The Ruach HaKodesh, in the name of Y’shua focus on efforts, raising up the Name of YAH! He owns the result – not me!
In peace, I fell back asleep.
1.To my astonishment I found Johnny Appleseed to be a real person! Look here.
SECOND LETTER TO TIMOTHY 2: (Aramaic English NT –Roth)
14. Of these things admonish you them and charge (them) before our Master (Y’shua) that they do not argue with unprofitable words to the subversion of those who hear them. 15. And study to present yourself before Elohim perfectly, a laborer who is not ashamed, one who correctly announces the Word of Truth. 16. Avoid vain discourses in which there is no profit; for they very much add to the wickedness of those occupied with them. 17. And their discourse, like an eating cancer, will lay hold upon many. And one of these is Hymeneus, and another Philetus3 18. who have wandered from the truth while they say, The resurrection of the dead has passed: and they subvert the faith of some. 19. But the firm foundation of Elohim stands and it has this seal: “Master YHWH knows them who are His” and, “Let everyone who invokes the name of our Master (Y’shua) stand aloof from iniquity.”
Note 3 Hymanaeus and another Philetus. Ironically these doubters have names that mean “faith” in Aramaic and “love” in Greek, respectively.
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Netzari Jewish, Walking "The Way" of Y’shua (יֵשׁוּעַ)
Isaiah 11; Acts 24:5,14-15; John 14:6
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