Y'shua | יֵשׁוּעַ
... a light for the revelation of the Gentiles.
And a glory to your people Israel.
Isaiah 49:6 CJB| Luke 2:32 AENT
"That's not you. That's ME"
They were so pervasive that I called them “Ed’s 1000 crazy ideas”. All of my life little creative thoughts would pop into my mind out of nowhere. It continued from childhood to this day, except now for ten years, I finally understand how and why; and I give all praise, worship and thanksgiving to YAH – Avinu Malkeinu, through Y’shua HaMashiyach Ben David, by the Supernatural Power of the Ruach HaKodesh!
Within the last hour again it happened. An hour ago I was about to walk down the stairs to go to my office to do this writing. As I was about to take the first step down I heard The-VOICE-
“Stay Upstairs”
I’ve learned to never question, doubt, or try to understand. At that very minute the thin thunder squall reported to be traveling 55 miles per hour was just passing overhead. Sustained wind, heavy rain, but no thunder and lightning. All of a sudden I could feel the house pressurizing, and hear a sound. That meant one thing - a window is open somewhere. Sure enough a window on the side of the house being pummeled with rain was open. The curtain was pushed out horizontal in the wind and rain was pouring in sideways, falling on a bed. Because of what I heard, the window was closed soon enough that there was no damage.
Growing up, I know that at least once, and probably twice, that hearing a “crazy idea” preserved my life. The first place I remember in this life is living in the French Sector of Occupied Germany (1952-1955). From Germany we moved to Augusta, Georgia and then Ft. Gordon, Georgia (1955-1962). On Ft. Gordon my buddies and I were always in the woods “exploring”. One of the favorite places was near where we lived; a cliff that would erode a little more with each Georgia downpour. With each rain exposed on the 60 foot tall cliff was ammunition, rockets, you name it, buried for disposal. We had great fun seeing what we could find! One day, miles into the woods, walking a tank trail we noticed a round doughnut shaped thing partially exposed in the Georgia sand. We went over. It was round like a small tire, all steel with a handle on the side. I took the handle and with great effort pulled it out of the sand, and then threw it. It did not go far! My buddies and I advanced to take turns seeing who could throw it further. All of a sudden one of those “crazy ideas” –“LEAVE!”. Instantly I threw my arms out and yelled “stop”. Everyone looked quizzically at me and I said “Let’s go home.” We did so. The next day playing within 300 years of the “steel tire” there was a huge concussion. We looked in the direction of the sound of the explosion and watched a dirty mushroom cloud rising about 200 feet into the air. We cautiously went to investigate and realized what we had thrown the day before must have been a tank mine.
Summer 2008
As I was walking through the house carrying two bulky bags of clothes destined for a Church clothing ministry; it occurred to me to invite a friend who runs a healing ministry to a Shabbat service at my Messianic Jewish Congregation. My next thought was “Another of Ed’s 1,000 Crazy ideas”; and how great my intuition is and how uncanny are the ideas that come to me. Having exited the back door onto the back porch, while locking the door, my mind absentmindedly mused over a lifetime of “1000 crazy ideas”. I turned, picked up the bags of clothes and cautiously started to take the first of two steps down to the back yard. At that very second I was torn from my “musing” when I heard distinctly and loudly The-VOICE-
“That’s Not You! That’s ME”
Dropping the clothes, I stopped cold on that first step. Looking up at the bright blue sky I said out loud: “Lord is that you?” Hearing that shook me to my core. Now I understood “Ed’s annual 1000 crazy ideas” were not anything I could claim as my special skill.
I pray for all Believers to understand
There is no such thing as ”Ed’s 1000 crazy ideas” or “woman’s intuition” or whatever you want to call it.
All praise, worship, and thanksgiving to YAH!
27. My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they come after me.
28. And I give to them life that is eternal and they will not perish and no man will ever snatch them from my hands.
29. For my Father who gave them to me is greater than all, and no man is able to snatch them from the hands of my Father.
30. I and the Father are one.”142
Note 142: Fulfilling the prophecy “me whom they pierced”, Zechariah 12:10-11. In order to be pierced, Elohim must be in a man. Please see Unity of Mashiyach in Appendix.
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Praise YAH!
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In all things..bad or good----Praise YAH!
Netzari Jewish, Walking "The Way" of Y’shua (יֵשׁוּעַ)
Isaiah 11; Acts 24:5,14-15; John 14:6
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