Y'shua | יֵשׁוּעַ
... a light for the revelation of the Gentiles.
And a glory to your people Israel.
Isaiah 49:6 CJB| Luke 2:32 AENT
The Ruach creates the Match
One of three
Miserable on Fifth Avenue, New York City
…do not believe all spirits; but discriminate among spirits whether they are of Elohim…
We are to submit all to YAH in prayer and accordingly our life is to be led by YAH’s Word and The Ruach HaKodesh--no matter how small or no matter how large. YAH places a man and a woman together in marriage for HIS purpose. They become one to serve HIM. I am led by The Ruach to share the following three events---for what reason, I have no idea, except for obedience! I beg in prayer--This is too private! For six months I have prayed that this must be my idea and not the leading of the Ruach. The Ruach speaks but we must be careful, so does evil. That’s why we “test the spirits” (1 John 4:1-3). In the last three weeks events have occurred, that others would might consider “coincidence”; but I see as “supernatural moves of the Ruach” to guide us all. Praise YAH!
FIRST LETTER OF YOCHANAN Chapter 4 (Aramaic English NT)
1. My beloved, do not believe all spirits; but discriminate among spirits whether they are of Elohim: for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2. By this the Spirit of Elohim is known; every spirit that confesses that Y’shua the Mashiyach has come in the flesh14 is of Elohim. 3. And every spirit which does not confess that Y’shua the Mashiyach has come in the flesh is not of Elohim; but he is of the false Messiah of whom you have heard that he comes and now is he already in the world.
Note 14: The Spirit of Mashiyach dwells inside a person. This does not refer to Y’shua coming in his flesh to Earth; even the demons know that much (see Luke 4:41). This refers to the neshama (spirit of man) being born from the beginning into the Image of Elohim, which is evidenced by living a Set Apart life unto YHWH, having Torah written upon the heart and growing in the Attributes of Mashiyach as revealed in Isaiah 11:2 and elsewhere.
Miserable on Fifth Avenue, New York City
“Come out of the rain. Tell her you love her. You won’t be disappointed”
With six weeks to wait for my apartment to become available on the JCC in Wexner Heritage Tower, I vacated my living quarters and took the bus to Des Moines, Iowa. The plan was to spend the six weeks with family and then come back. The lady I was seeing agreed that we could “talk on the phone”. ‘Talk on the phone” turned into every night for two hours, three hours, four hours and the think the record was six hours. Most importantly we were learning how to pray together. I mean really pray, pouring our heart and soul out to YAH for the benefit of each other. In a few weeks my heart turned totally to her and in my private morning prayer I prayed that the same would happen for her.
One morning during private prayer as I struggled and prayed to know how to tell her my feelings, all prayer stopped and in an explosive second in vivid color I am walking south on Fifth Avenue, Upper Manhattan, New York City, soaking wet in a cold December rain. Having just stepped off the curb and misjudging my stride I step into a puddle that turns out to be a pothole soaking a foot up my right leg in bone chilling cold water. Right after that a very dapper Puerto Rican business owner in white shirt and tie with the biggest grin opens the door to his storefront across the street and yells something to me. I thought I heard it but went running across the street to ask him to confirm what he had said. When I entered his store he was standing there with the biggest grin! I said “What did you say?!” He shot back (!): “You heard me! I said; ‘Come out of the rain. Tell her you love her. You won’t be disappointed’! Nothing more was said. We smiled at each other, hugged and I pushed open the door to leave. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. It took a while, but with this vision I trusted YAH and told her: “I love you”.
Help us to study The Word and be spiritually prepared!
Having eyes to see and ears to hear!
Praise YAH!
Send us out in Spirit and Truth!
19. That woman said to him, “My Master, I see that you are a prophet. 20. Our forefathers worshipped55 in this mountain, and you say that in Urishlim is the place that it is necessary to worship. 21. Y’shua said to her, “Woman believe me, the hour is coming that not in this mountain nor in Urishlim will they worship the Father. 22. You worship something that you do not know. But we worship what we know, for life56 is from the Yehudeans. 23. But the hour is coming, and now is when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, indeed. For the Father, He seeks worshippers as these. 24. For Elohim is Spirit, and those who worship, they must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”
Note 55. Saghed literally means, “To prostrate before” or “To bow down before.” (PY).
Note 56. The word here for “Life” is plural. The last word in the sentence, Anon (here translated as ‘Is’), means “Are.” (PY). The vital element of “life” here is Eternal Life through the redemption of Mashiyach. Y’shua emphasizes this aspect of life when he contrasts it to regular life, as he contrasts regular waters with “living waters” that bring eternal life. (AR)
Breathe on us! Send us out in the Spirit of Elijah!
ACTS OF THE SHLICHIM Chapter 2: (Aramaic English NT)
1.And after the (fifty) days of Shavuot (Pentecost)14 were fulfilled,15 all were assembled as one. 2. All of a sudden there was a sound from heaven like a roaring wind16 and all that House17 in which they were sitting was filled. 3. And (it) appeared to them like tongues divided, and fire sat upon every one of them. 4. And all of them were filled with the Ruach haKodesh, and they were compelled to speak in different tongues,18 just as the Spirit had given them to speak. 5. Now there were men who were living in Urishlim who feared Elohim - Jews from all nations that are under heaven.
Note 14: The loan word pentaqostia (fiftieth day) appears here and in 1 Corinthians 16:8. Tradition has it that Luke translated for Paul, who would have used this term for the benefit of a Gentile audience. Luke’s upbringing in Syrian Antioch prepared him for toggling between Semitic and Gentile terminology. On the other hand, in Israel where the Gospels originated, Aramaic paskha, the direct cognate of pesach, was being used for “Passover” and was later loaned into Greek. Loanwords going either from Aramaic into Greek or vice versa are the effect of this time when Semitic culture was dominated by Greco-Roman power. Without loanwords, the Peshitta could not be authentic.
Note 15: This means, “after the days counting the Omer were fulfilled.” The English could be misconstrued to mean after the days of the feast itself were completed. However, Aramaic literally reads “after the days of pentaqostia were fulfilled” or, “after the 50 day period was reached.” “Pentecost” is used here as both a technical term to refer to the feast and a time marker. Also the actual day was Shabbat (Saturday) morning, not Sunday as many Christians assume. The last day of the omer count ended at sunset on Friday, May 24th in the year 30 CE, so the disciples were “assembled as one” on the following morning after Shavuot ended, when the Ruach haKodesh came.
Note 16: Or “groaning spirit.”
Note 17: “House” here refers to the Temple; see Matthew 12:4; 21:13; Luke 2:49; John 2:16, 17, not the “upper room” of 1:13. It is the Day of Shavuot; Y’shua’s disciples are gathered together in the Father’s House. Luke 24:53 states the disciples were “at all times in the temple.” The Ruach haKodesh is openly poured out in full view of those in attendance at the Temple, not in some hidden place. Y’shua was known to visit the Temple daily. In the early mornings he taught those who came to learn of the Kingdom of Elohim; see Luke 21:36-38.
Note 18: The universal remedy to the confusion of language at Bavel, Genesis 11:9, is to learn the language of the Spirit that unifies all souls in righteousness.
ACTS OF THE SHLICHIM Chapter 2: (Aramaic English NT)
14. Afterwards, Shimon Keefa stood up among the eleven Shlichim and lifted up his voice and said to them, “Men, Jews, and all who dwell in Urishlim. Let this be known to you, and pay attention to my words. 15. For (it is) not as you think (that) these (men) are drunk, for behold, it is now (only) until the third hour. 16. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Yoel. 17. Elohim said, In later days20 it will be (that) I will pour out my Ruach upon all flesh, and your sons will prophesy and your daughters and your young men will see visions, and your elders will dream dreams. 18. And upon my servants and upon handmaids I will pour out my Ruach in those days. And they will prophesy. 19. And I will cause signs in heaven and mighty deeds upon the earth: blood, and fire, and columns of smoke, 20. the sun will be changed into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of Master YHWH. 21. And it will be (that) all who call (on) the name of Master YHWH will be saved.21 22. Men, sons of Israel, listen to these words Y’shua the Nazarene, a man, who by Elohim was shown to you with miracles and with signs and with acts of power, those that Elohim did among you by his hand as you know.
Note 20: The later (last or latter) days, “acharit hayamim” in Hebrew, is the season when “the Day of YHWH” will be fulfilled. The acharit hayamim and Day of YHWH references prophecies regarding Mashiyach ben David. Shimon Keefa assumed he was witnessing the acharit hayamim since Y’shua had overtly fulfilled the prophecies of Mashiyach ben Yosef (the suffering servant), but he would have had no idea when Mashiyach would return as Mashiyach ben David to fulfill the many elements spoken of by Joel and the other Prophets of YHWH. Please see footnote on Acts 28:28
Note 21: Joel 3:1-5 (2:28-32). See Salvation in Appendix.
Send us out immersing in The NAME!
18. And Y’shua drew near and spoke with them and said to them, “All authority is given to me in heaven and on earth. And as my Father has sent me, I send you. 19. Go therefore, make disciples of all nations and immerse them in the name299 of the Father and of the Son and of the Ruach haKodesh. 20. And teach them to keep all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you all the days until the end of the world.300 Amen.”
Note 299: Aramaic has “name” – singular – which does not support the traditional trinity theology. Ruach haKodesh is a title for YHWH, see Isaiah 63:1-11; Psalm 51:1-11. The Son has his Father’s Name within him and the Father keeps His people in His Name; John 17:11. As a result, imagine three branches of the same tree rather than three separate trees. Each branch is united by the Name/Title of the One Divine Personality that is YHWH Elohim. This linkage is established in Shemot/ Exodus 23:20-22 where a Messenger, unlike any other “angel” can forgive sin because YHWH says, “for My Name is in Him”. All other “angels” have EL in their name but Y’shua’s Name is above the angels, hence Yah/YHWH is in Y’shua’s name (Matthew 1:21, Hebrews 1:1-5). Nazarenes have from the very beginning taught salvation in the Name of YHWH. See Immerser in Appendix.
Note 300: Or end of the age, as Aramaic alma means both. The exact meanings apply to the Greek word aion used here, making this one of the few times where an original Aramaic word is perfectly matched with the Greek.
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Netzari Jewish, Walking "The Way" of Y’shua (יֵשׁוּעַ)
Isaiah 11; Acts 24:5,14-15; John 14:6
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