Y'shua | יֵשׁוּעַ
... a light for the revelation of the Gentiles.
And a glory to your people Israel.
Isaiah 49:6 CJB| Luke 2:32 AENT
"You are trying to fix everything and you can't. I WILL. Let them go."
11 Chesvan 5772 (07 Nov 2011): Prayer This Morning
Prayer was entered about 5:30 am with many, many seriously vexing issues. Prayer was offered for repentance against pride, arrogance, to forgive all that I could think of and lastly to be forgiven. Then prayer was offered for each issue. As I prayed a second time for each issue it was startling to see a pinwheel appear and spin. Soon there were six pinwheels, three to the left and three to the right. Each issue had its own respective pinwheel and when prayer was offered for an issue, its respective pinwheel would spin.
Many times I went back and prayed over the same issues. When I would pray, the pinwheel for that issue would spin again. Even though my intent was to earnestly pray, it became very weary praying over and over for each issue and of seeing its respective pinwheel spin. It was novel, but I was weary.
In my weary state looking up, opening my eyes, my attention is completely diverted to a vision of a deer sticking her head in the window. Where did the window come from? What building am I in? She has beautiful eyes and just looks at me as if knowing the pain that I feel. I walk over and pet her. As I look out the window I see her fawn next to her peacefully nursing. The peace that comes over me is unbelievable. Most unbelievable! A deer that is not afraid of me.
Then I hear The-VOICE-:
"You are trying to fix everything and you can't. I WILL. Let them go."
4 hours of prayer. The answer: Once is enough, YAH has heard.
Let go and let YAH do it. All for HIS glory!
Mark 11:17 (Aramaic English NT)
I. And when he drew near to Urishlirn, towards Beth-Pageh and Beth-Anya, by the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples.
2. And he said to them, "Go to that village that is opposite to us, and at once when you enter it you will find a colt that is tied up which no man has ridden. Loose it and bring it to me.
3. And if anyone should say to you, 'Why are you doing this?' say to him that `Our Master requires it.' And immediately he will send him here."
4. And they went and found the colt which was tied up at the door outside on the street. And while they loosed him,
5. Some of those who were standing there said to them, "What are you doing loosing the colt''"
6. And they said to them as Y'shua had commanded them, and they allowed them.
7. And they brought the colt to Y'shua and placed their garments upon it, and Y'shua rode upon it.
8. And many were spreading their garments on the road and others were cutting branches from trees and spreading them on the road.
9. And those who were in front of him and those who were behind him were crying out and were saying, "Ushanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of Master YHWH.
10. And blessed is the Kingdom of our father Dawid that is coming. Ushanna in the highest!"
11. And Y'shua entered Urishlim and saw the temple and everything. Now when the time of evening arrived, he went out to Beth-Anya with the twelve.
12. And on another day when he went out from Beth-Anya he hungered.
13. And he saw a certain fig tree from afar that had leaves on it. And he came towards it to see if he could find anything on it. And when he arrived, he did not find anything on it except leaves. For the time of the figs had not yet arrived.
14. And he said to it, "Now and forever, man will not eat fruit from you.'' And his disciples heard it and they came to Urishlim.
15. And Y'shua entered the temple of Elohim and began to drive out those who were buying and selling in the temple. And he overturned the tables of the money changers, and the seats of those who were selling doves.
16. And he would not allow anyone to carry possessions inside the temple.
17. And he would teach and say to them, “Is it not written that my I House will be called a House of prayer for all nations?" But you have made it a den of robbers!""
I8. The chief priests and the scribes heard it and were seeking how they might destroy him. For they were afraid of him because all the people were astonished at his teaching.
19. And when it became evening, they went outside of the city.
20. And in the morning while they were passing by, they saw that fig tree, dried up from its root.
21. And Shimon remembered and said to him. "Behold Rabbi, that fig tree which you cursed has dried up!"
22. And Y'shua answered and said to them, "Let the faith of Elohim be in you.
23. For truly I say to you, that he who says to this mountain, 'Be lifted up and fall into the sea.' And does not become divided in his heart but believes, that will happen. That thing which he said he will have.
24. Because of this I say to you that everything that you pray for and ask for you believe that you will receive it, and it will be to you!
25. And when you stand to pray, forgive anything that you have against anyone, that your Father who is in heaven may also forgive you your transgressions.
26. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive you your transgressions."
27. And they came again to Urishlim. And while he was talking in the temple, the chief priests and the scribes and elders came to him.
28. And they said to him, "By what authority do you do these things? And who gave this authority to you that you should do these things.""
29. And Y'shua said to them, "l will also ask you a certain question. If you answer me then I will tell you by what authority I do these things.
30. The immersion of Yochanan. From where is it from, heaven or from the sons of man? Tell me!"
31. And they reasoned among themselves and said, "If we say to him that it was from heaven, he will say to us, 'Why then did you not believe hint?'
32. And if we say from the sons of men, the fear is there of the people. For all of them did consider that he was truly a prophet."
33. And they answered and said to him, "We do not know." He said to them, "Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things!"
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Netzari Jewish, Walking "The Way" of Y’shua (יֵשׁוּעַ)
Isaiah 11; Acts 24:5,14-15; John 14:6
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