Y'shua | יֵשׁוּעַ
... a light for the revelation of the Gentiles.
And a glory to your people Israel.
Isaiah 49:6 CJB| Luke 2:32 AENT
Love! Joy! Enthusiasm! Positive Chutzpah! With such adjectives one just begins to describe the author of the following testimony. Her love for YAH, and belief in Y’shua were absolute. She absolutely exemplified and lived the concept of total “Trust”, walking out each day in the Supernatural Power of The Set Apart Ruach HaKodesh. But for me there is one word that completely describes her:
Gigi Van Tuinen, “Z”L”
Yesha 'yahu (Isaiah) 43: (CJB)
10. “You are my witnesses,” says Adonai,
“and my servant whom I have chosen,
so that you can know and trust me
and understand that I am he —
no god was produced before me,
nor will any be after me.
11. I, yes I, am Adonai;
besides me there is no deliverer.
12. I have declared, saved and proclaimed —
not some alien god among you.
Therefore you are my witnesses,”
says Adonai. “I am God.
On Aug 28, 2017, Gigi Van Tuinen wrote:
Gigi Van Tuinen
July 29, 2017
After I left the doctor’s office I decided to stop at Aldi's.
I parked my car and was looking around for someone to bring a buggy back, or maybe someone left one in the parking lot. I need the buggy to hold on and use it as a walker. Nothing, absolutely NO BUGGY.
Oh well, so I starting walking towards Aldi, after about 4 steps or so I glanced over my right shoulder. There was an older gentleman going my way with a buggy, so I asked him, if he was bringing that buggy back, no, he answered me, I am going in, ok I said, but he said, you can have that buggy, I told him thank you gave him my quarter. So we were walking side by side towards the grocery store, and he said to me, sometimes I use a buggy also for a walker, how did he know???
So now, we were in the store in the store, the man never picked up another buggy, we were just walking side by side. We were standing in the middle of the aisle, I asked him to reach for 2 bars of chocolates, they were on the upper shelf, that I couldn't reach. He asked me if they were good, -yes delicious was my answer, all of a sudden the gentleman was speaking German to me. I was so dumb founded, I replied back in German, how much German do you speak, he answered me I am almost fluent, I could detect no accent when he spoke German.
I was mesmerized by his countenance and his speech. He was also saying, sometimes I wonder what a nice Jewish boy is doing here, --Oh you are Jewish?? Yes he said, and I said me too.
All of a sudden he started to quote Isaiah, chapter and verse, then again Jeremiah also chapter and verse. I was so taken by him I could have just stood there for hours listening to him, that I forgot which scripture he quoted.
Then he was talking about the new heaven and earth, I said to him, sometime I wonder how G-d will do all of that, then I started to laugh and said, G-D is the ALLMIGHTY and he can do anything, the gentleman answered me, yes, He can.
He also started to talk about JESUS, that's what he called YESHUA. He said some churches miss represent JESUS and also miss understand him, which I had to agree.
We are still standing in the middle of the aisle, all the time he was talking to me, I had the feeling , he knew what I was thinking and what I believed, he gave me a very nice warm feeling.
So, time to say good bye, he told me, you are a very nice lady, if I don't see you here I will see you up there and he pointed upward. So he started to walk away from me, then he turned around and asked me, do you know what my middle name is???
I thought strange, I don't even know the man. I said - no, I don't , so he said “My middle name is DAVID”, oh I said, “You are DAVID, using the Hebrew pronunciation.” “Yes, that's me” - he said.
We kept on walking, I saw him at the meat freezer, still no buggy. And POOF he was gone, he came out of nowhere and went to nowhere.
So that's my story, who do you think it was???????? I believe I have my answer, in any case, whoever he was, I believe he was sent by G-D
G-D bless you and yours
This is Gigi’s testimony in her own words, published at her request. Since August 2017 there was always a “block” in getting it done, which was explained to me at the time by The Ruach to allow her to focus inward to her Congregation with the Testimony. In prayer 4 February 2018 I heard –The-VOICE- plainly say: “NOW”!
LETTER TO THE HEBREWS 13: (Aramaic English NT)
1. Let love for the Brothers dwell among you.
2. And do not forget kindness to strangers; for by this some have been privileged to entertain Messengers without even knowing!
Tehillim (Psalm) 91: (CJB)
11.for he will order his angels to care for you and guard you wherever you go.
12.They will carry you in their hands, so that you won’t trip on a stone.
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Netzari Jewish, Walking "The Way" of Y’shua (יֵשׁוּעַ)
Isaiah 11; Acts 24:5,14-15; John 14:6
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