Y'shua | יֵשׁוּעַ

... a light for the revelation of the Gentiles.

                                   And a glory to your people Israel.

                                Isaiah 49:6 CJB| Luke 2:32 AENT


SHIM'ON שִׁמְעוֹן SIMEON



How Fast Are We Traveling? Going Where?

     During morning prayer (02/23/2012) there was an extremely intense vision regarding the huge black steam locomotives that I remember while living in the French Sector of Occupied Germany (1952-55). In the vision I am back in Pirmasens Germany, standing next to the railroad tracks and can hear an extremely powerful and unique steam locomotive approaching … fast!


     It is evening, not quite yet turning to dark night.  I am small, standing next to the tracks wearing my lederhosen and sweater. Steam locomotives emit a curious explosive sound with each cycle of the steam piston. That is usually what I hear. …but not this time! This locomotive looks the same; shiny black with red trim and vertical fins up front. But it is moving so fast that the explosive sound of the steam pistons are a constant hum.


      This is a HUGE machine coming at me, pulling a fast passenger train. Too late I realize that I am dangerously close to the tracks. The hurricane of air being pushed by the locomotive throws me into the air. The next thing I know I am sitting on the lap of the engineer, stretching to look out the side window. We can see down a long straight section of track. There are four main lines with one sideline on either side. Up ahead there are multiple train signals showing the horizontal red flag and red light. Even though we are traveling faster than 140 KPH we are being stopped and sent to a siding to let a faster train through. Far Up ahead we can see at least four more such stops. It is going to be a long night of waiting! All of a sudden the flag goes vertical and the light turns green. The engineer increases speed to over 160 KPH. One by one the red stop markers and lights change to green and we fly by at over 160 KPH. We are flying through the night with all green, but where are we going?


     Now that I realize that the train did not kill me, I calm down and try to assess my situation. What I see shocks me. This huge locomotive is larger than any other I ever seen! Why is the engineer in this coal fired locomotive wearing pure white. What was that massive gentle hurricane of warm air that deposited me in the Engineer’s lap? As a child I am so small, sitting in the Engineer’s lap. I am doing nothing except enjoying the ride. Yet the ride is ominous. Only highest priority trains travel at this speed and merit all green lights. What is at the destination that merits this wild ride through the night?


     Why do I understand where I am and what I am seeing and yet have no idea where this hugely powerful locomotive is going? There are no signs identifying towns and crossings as usual. This Power is careening through the night with green lights moving at over 160 kilometers per hour to...... to what?


Help us to study and be spiritually prepared!

Having eyes to see and ears to hear!

Praise YAH!

  1. But concerning the times and seasons, my Brothers, you need not that I write to you:
  2. for you know assuredly, that the day of our Master (Y'shua) so comes as a thief by night.
  3. While they will be saying, “peace and quietness,” then suddenly destruction will burst upon them as distress upon a child-bearer, and they will not escape.
  4.  But you, my Brothers, are not in darkness; that day should not overtake you as a thief.
  5. For you are all children of the light and children of the day; and are not children of the night and children of darkness.
  6. Let us not therefore sleep, like others; but let us be vigilant and considerate.
  7. For they who sleep, sleep in the night; and they who are drunken, are drunken in the night.
  8. But let us who are children of the day be wakeful in mind and put on the breastplate of faith and love, and take the helmet of the hope of life.
  9. For Elohim has not appointed us to wrath, but to the acquisition of life by our Master Y’shua the Mashiyach
  10. who died for us that, whether we wake or sleep, we might live together with him.
  11. Therefore comfort one another and support one another, as also you have done.
  12. And we entreat you, my Brothers, that you recognize them who labor among you and who stand before your faces in our Master (Y’shua) and instruct you:
  13.  that they may be esteemed by you with abundant love; and, on account of their work, live you in harmony with them.
  14. And we entreat you, my Brothers, that you admonish the faulty and encourage the faint-hearted, and bear the burdens of the weak, and be long suffering towards all men.
  15. And beware or else any of you return evil for evil, but always follow good deeds towards one another and towards all men.
  16. And be Joyful always.
  17. And pray without ceasing.
  18. And in everything be thankful: For this is the will of Elohim in Y'shua the Mashiyach concerning you.
  19. Quench not the Spirit.
  20. Despise not prophesying.
  21. Explore everything and hold fast to the good:
  22. and fly from everything evil.
  23. And may the Elohim of peace sanctify you all, perfectly, and keep blameless your whole spirit and your soul and your body till the coming of our Master Y’shua the Mashiyach.
  24. Faithful is he that has called you who will do it.
  25. My Brothers, pray for us.
  26. Pray for the peace of the Set Apart Brothers with a Set Apart kiss.
  27.  I charge you by our Master (Y'shua), that this epistle be read to all the Set Apart Brothers.
  28. The grace of our Master Y'shua the Mashiyach be with you. Amen.


© 2014 - 2018 Edward Karl Schenk.  All rights reserved.

Shim’on | שִׁמְעוֹן | Simeon


In all things..bad or good----Praise YAH!

Netzari Jewish, Walking "The Way" of Y’shua (יֵשׁוּעַ)

Isaiah 11; Acts 24:5,14-15; John 14:6

Hear -- Write -- BuildUP